100 Word Challenge.


as the door slammed, I knew....

I knew there was no going back, no escape, no sanctuary, no safe haven. Nothing will ever be the same again. No one left; no one left except for me. Nothing left, nothing left for me.

When that door slammed, it wasn’t just the door to my house, my home, my connections, my memories; it was the door to my life, my thoughts. I’ve locked that door though. I can’t go back. I’ve got to go forward, keep moving on. Otherwise I'll become part of that dust, part of the past. Alone, forgotten, left...


  1. Alice,
    This is amazing! I love the way that you thought about the door being a symbolic thing, and not a real door. It gives your writing more meaning, and makes it more effective in conveying your emotions! I love it!
    Amisha 8CH

  2. Hi Alice,
    This post is truly amazing and I love the way you used "as the door slammed" as the door between life and death. If you want, you can check out mine at https://rhettkrovi8905.blogspot.com/. I can't wait for you to write more!
    Yours truly,

  3. Hi Alice,
    Our class enjoyed your entry and how you incorporated a metaphor.
    Mrs. Kimball (Team 100)
    Calabasas, CA USA

  4. Dear Alice,
    You did a really good job on this prompt. I liked how you explained that you had nothing left and you had to leave behind everything. You put a lot of feeling into this and I enjoyed it very much!

  5. Hi Alice,
    This writing is amazing. I love how you used vivid vocabulary and created a unique and different way to incorporate the prompt. If you want, you can check out mine at https://parkeking1005.blogspot.com/p/100wc.html . I'm so excited to read more of your work.

  6. Hi Alice,
    I really liked your post and your creative way to describe things.
    You can check out mine athttps://willishulm2604.blogspot.com/


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