100 Word Challenge

100 Word Challenge
Prompt: ....So what lies ahead next...


The giant beast bellows. A constant, thunderous roar - a menacing growl from deep within, an ominous gurgle. He rushes over the rocky terrain, down, left, right; slipping, sliding, slinking. He advances forward, his entire might reaching the edge of the precipitous drop, eager, excited, ready. He doesn’t hesitate, not a moment of vulnerability - not a second thought. His avid, desperate waves obscure each other, sheathing them from the ferocious bites of the wind. They race to be the first over. To be the first to accomplish; to grasp; to reach. To reach what lies ahead...


  1. This is a great piece of writing with a good use of language features and is also very 'original.'

  2. This is a very good piece of writing. You should be very proud


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